何心巨副教授,香港浸会大学工商管理学院博士,硕士生导师,无党派人士。主要从事评价理论与方法、生产效率分析、能源环境经济学等方向。在Operations Research,Energy Economics, China Economic Review, Transport Policy, 计量经济学报等期刊发表论文数篇。Nature\ Energy Economics\ Journal of Productivity Analysis \ International Review of Economics and Finance 等国际知名期刊匿名审稿人;Sustainability 期刊客座编辑;自科基金评审专家;教育部学位中心评审专家;“双法”气候金融研究分会理事。
[2] 合肥工业大学校级学术骨干项目:基于S型生产函数的利润效率方法与应用,2021年-2023年,负责人
[1]. Sung Ko LI*, Chun Kei TSANG*, Shu Kam LEE*, andXinju HE*. Regular Variable Returns to Scale Production Frontier and Efficiency Measurement.Operations Research(forthcoming)
[2]. Färe,Rolf.*,He, Xinju*, Li, Sung Ko.* and Zelenyuk, Valentin.*, 2019. A unifying framework for farrell profit efficiency measurement.Operations Research, 67(1), pp.183-197.
[3]. Li Yuan, Yu Chuanjiang*, Luo Yue andHe Xinju*. The Higher-Ranking Local Officials and Regional Economic Growth: Evidence from China.Growth and Change, 55(3), e12731.
[4].He Xinjuand Liu Yi*. Does privatization improve the structural efficiency in the Chinese hospital sector?Health Economics Review(forthcoming)
[5]. Tan, Ruipeng, Pan Lulu, Xu, Mengmeng, andHe, Xinju*., 2022. Transportation infrastructure, economic agglomeration and non-linearities of green total factor productivity growth in China.Transport Policy, 129, pp.1-13.
[6]. Xu, Mengmeng, Tan, Ruipeng, andHe, Xinju*., 2022. How Does Economic Agglomeration Affect Energy Efficiency inChina?:Evidence from Endogenous Stochastic Frontier Approach.Energy Economics, 108 (4): 105901.
[7]. Li, Sung Ko*. andHe, Xinju., 2019. The impacts of marketization and subsidies on the treatment quality performance of the Chinese hospitals sector.China Economic Review, 54, pp.41-50.
[8]. Li, Sung Ko andHe, Xinju., 2018. Was Economic Growth in China Environmentally Friendly? A Case Study of the Chinese Manufacturing Sector. In Energy, Environment and Transitional Green Growth in China (pp. 189-207). Springer, Singapore.
[9].何心巨,代锐, 吴华清*.中国元宇宙的发展与治理--对比中国互联网发展历史[J]. 产业经济评论 , 2023, 55(2): 183-197.
[10].何心巨, 吴华清*. 开源还是节流—我国商业银行效率、行为模式与所有制差异[J]. 计量经济学报, 2021, 1(2): 318-345.