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张庆芳,助理教授,硕士生导师。从事可持续旅游、野生动物旅游、旅游审美和游客体验等领域的研究。博士在读期间主持完成联合国世界旅游组织/长隆倡导项目,参与完成国家社科基金艺术学重大项目1项,国家自科基金一般项目2项,国家社科基金一般项目1项,地方市级技术咨询项目1项。累计发表学术论文10余篇,其中以第一作者发表国际高水平期刊(SSCI一区)论文3篇,有1篇发表在旅游专业领域内国际TOP期刊《Tourism Management》(ABS四星)。担任《Journal of Sustainable Tourism》、《Tourism Management Perspectives 》、《Journal of Destination Marketing and Management》、《Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management》、《Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics》等多个国际高水平期刊匿名审稿人。


联合国世界旅游组织/长隆倡导项目:Tousits’ motivation, emotion and positive environmental engagement during tourism activities in elephant tourism attractions in Sri Lanka, 2019年至 2021年(已结项),负责人.

国家社科基金艺术学重大项目:文化和旅游行业人才培养战略、路径与对策研究,2019年至 2022年(已结项), 子课题参与人.

技术咨询项目:《环黄山风景区旅游带发展规划》编制, 2019年, 主要参与人


Zhang Q., Xu H.*, & Cheng J. (2023). Do not blame the “bad” weather: stimulating its poetic aesthetics in nature-based tourism destinations. Tourism Management. (SSCI, Q1, IF:12.879). Article 104774. (online).

Zhang Q., & Xu H., Li Y., Wen T.*. (2023). Understanding the embeddedness and CSR of small in-migration tourism entrepreneurs: The moderating role of the duration of residence. Journal of China Tourism Research. (online).

Zhang, Q., Zhang, H., & Xu, H.* (2021). Health tourism destinations as therapeutic landscapes:Understanding the health perceptions of senior seasonal migrants. Social Science & Medicine, 279, 113951. (SCI, Q1, IF:5.379). (online).

Zhang Q., & Xu H.* (2020). Understanding aesthetic experiences in nature-based tourism: The important role of tourists’ literary associations. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (SSCI, Q1, IF:6.952),16. (online).

张庆芳,徐红罡*. (2021). 野生动物观赏旅游者的敬畏感体验:基于斯里兰卡大象旅游的实证研 究.中国生态旅游, 11(05):705-719.

Wen T., & Zhang Q., Li Y.* (2021). Why small tourism enterprises behave responsibly: using job embeddedness and place attachment to predict corporate social responsibility activities. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(10), 1435-1450. (SSCI, Q1, IF:7.430)

Wen, T., Zhang, Q., Song, L., & Li, Y.* (2021). Corporate social responsibility, social bonding and place attachment among entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized tourism enterprises. International Journal of Tourism Research. (SSCI, Q2, IF:4.73). (online).

文彤, 张玉林 & 张庆芳* (通讯作者).(2021).嵌入、认同、责任:地方社区中的旅游小企业. 人 文地理(CSSCI, IF:4.028), 36(6), 157-165.

文彤, & 张庆芳. (2017). 家文化视角下本土旅游小企业的代际传承. 旅游学刊(CSSCI), 32(8):93-103.

文彤, & 张庆芳. (2018). 利己? 利他? 社会责任视角下乡村社区旅游精英再认识. 思想战线 (CSSCI), 44(6): 161-168.





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