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Introduction to the Department of Enterprise Management

Historical Evolution:The predecessor of the Department of Enterprise Management of Guangxi University was the Economic Management program under the Economics Department of Guangxi University established in 1981. In 1990, it was renamed as Enterprise Management program. In 1999, it was renamed as Business Administration program in accordance with the adjustment requirements of the Ministry of Education's major directory and has been used until now. In 2014, the Business Administration Department was split into the Applied Economics Research Center, the Department of Enterprise Management, and the Department of Marketing. In 2017, the Marketing major was revoked, and the Department of Marketing was merged into the Department of Enterprise Management.

Faculty:As of September 2023, the Department of Enterprise Management has 25 full-time teachers, including 11 professors, 11 associate professors, and 3 lecturers. Among them, 6 are doctoral supervisors. 19 teachers hold Doctoral Degree, accounting for 76% of the total. 2 teachers have been awarded the title of the second-tier candidate in Guangxi's "Ten, Hundred and Thousand" Talent Project, 1 teacher has been awarded the title of National Intellectual Property Leading Talent and the Hundred-level candidates of the National "Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project in Intellectual Property", and 1 teacher has been awarded Level D of the Guangxi High-level Talent.

Programs:The Department of Enterprise Management currently offers 1 undergraduate program in Business Administration. It has academic master's degree programs in Enterprise Management and Technology Economy and Management, as well as doctoral programs in the same fields.

Discipline Construction:In 2009, the undergraduate program in Business Administration of Guangxi University became the "Fourth Batch of Characteristic Specialty Construction Sites in Colleges and Universities" admitted by the Ministry of Education, and its core course "Human Resource Management" became an autonomous region-level excellent course. In 2010, the core course "Enterprise Strategic Management" became an autonomous region-level excellent course. In 2011, the undergraduate program in Business Administration was identified as a "Characteristic Specialty and Course Integration Project for Guangxi Colleges and Universities" by the Guangxi Education Department. In 2013, it became a "Professional Comprehensive Reform Pilot for the First Batch of Local Colleges and Universities in the Undergraduate Teaching Engineering" by the Ministry of Education. In 2016, it was identified as an "Autonomous Region-level Demonstration Specialty for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Reform" by the Department of Education of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. In 2018, it was approved as the 'Characteristic Specialties and Experimental & Practical Training Teaching Base (Center)' of Guangxi's Undergraduate Universities. In the same year, it was awarded a first-level doctoral degree authorization and entered the first-class discipline group jointly built by Guangxi University's Applied Economics and Modern Service Industry. In 2019, it was awarded the provincial-level First-class Undergraduate Program Site. In 2022, it was awarded the national First-class Undergraduate Program. It is currently the onlyprograminSouthwestEthnicMinorityRegion that can integrate the cultivation of doctoral, master's, EMBA, MBA, and undergraduate students, and has entered the first-class discipline group jointly built by the ministry and the region.

Program Objectives:Focusing on the national "five-in-one" and "four comprehensives" strategic layouts, with the fundamental goal of "four regressions" and cultivating top-notch talents, it aims to leverage its existing disciplinary and professional advantages to form a first-class business administration program with distinctive characteristics of "digitization, dual carbonization", "innovation and entrepreneurship" and "orienting towards ASEAN". It aims to cultivate innovative talents in business administration of the new era with prominent entrepreneurial spirit. The program aims to cultivate innovative talents who adapt to the needs of national economic, social, and technological development, possess social responsibility, the spirit of the rule of law, innovative spirit, practical abilities, and international vision. Students are required to master solid theories of management and economics, have strong abilities to apply scientific theories to solve practical problems, and be able to engage in professional management in enterprises, institutions, and government departments.

Academic Research:In recent years, the department has hosted 14 National Social Science Fund and National Natural Science Fund projects (including 1 key project of the National Social Science Fund, 2 general projects of the National Social Science Fund, 1 general project of the National Natural Science Fund, and 1 youth project of the National Natural Science Fund).